
2020-08-21 爱情美文 阅读:


  1、I just don‘t like you anymore 我只是不再那么喜欢你

  2、The first wealth is health

  3、Think great thoughts and you will be great!

  4、see you my love.再见,我的爱人。

  5、Labour is often the father of pleasure.勤劳常为快乐之源。

  6、I just want to be your only one 我只想做你的唯一

  7、You can cry, [你可以哭,] But you can not lose. [但不能输.]

  8、The tough road often leads to the top.艰难的道路经常通往高处

  9、Sometimes goodbye is the only way.有的时候说再见是唯一的一条路。

  10、Great oaks from little acorns grow.万丈高楼平地起。

  11、I am the mother freaking princess ——我是放荡不羁的公主。

  12、Where there is great love, there are always miracles.哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

  13、You are my whole life , you in this is all 这辈子你是我的全部

  14、I want to have a male friend.我想要一个蓝颜知己。

  15、I love the people I love.我爱爱我的人。

  16、Time always save the best for last.时间总是把最好的人留到最后

  17、Love is a kind of poison.(爱情,是一种毒药。)

  18、Softhearted is sick, but you are life.心软是病,可你是命。

  19、Things do not change,we change. 世界没变,是我们变了

  20、Your love is a dream, but a real pain. 你的爱是个梦,却有真实的痛。

  21、It is the first step that costs.万事开头难

  22、I still believe that time is the good medicine is bitter but effective.

  23、I love you, more than loving myself.我爱你胜过爱自己

  24、I see it all, I see it now.一切都已了然。

  25、Every boring hour in life is unique.在生命中,再无聊的时光也是限量版。

  26、i WANT TO SEE U.我想要两颗西柚.

  27、one day i will shine elegant 总有一天我会绽放优雅

  28、You are an apple . 【 你是我的 】

  29、Even my name wrong people do not deserve my love[连我名字都写错的人,不配说爱我]

  30、Where there is life, there is hope.

  31、Vows of eternal love,Also can separate。海枯石烂,亦会分开。

  32、We love others too early, self love too late 我们爱别人太早,爱自己太迟

  33、Toughdays do not last. Tough people do.(苦难总会终结,坚强之人永存。)

  34、Shall we make a fresh start 我们可不可以从新开始

  35、Do not waste time with regret.别把时间都浪费在后悔上了。

  36、If I am the girl in your dreams.如果我是你梦里的女孩。

  37、No one can stop my feet!没人可以阻挡我前进的路

  38、[L Girl to live frank 姑娘活的坦荡荡 ]

  39、Know, how again recover also just air.明知道,再怎么挽回也只是空气。

  40、That way the dark will eventually own walk. 最漆黑的那段路,最终要自己走完。

  41、I will give you all my love.我将给你全部的爱。

  42、The net closely but buckle not forever. 十指紧扣却扣不住天长地久

  43、You are my most dazzling lights! 你就是我最耀眼的发光体!

  44、When I am silent to say all in the eyes.当我沉默时 ,想说的话全在眼里。

  45、as long as I love you.This is my want love丶只要我喜欢你,这样就是我想要的爱

  46、He finally found the blazes her glow.发光的他终于找到了扑火的她

  47、And missing you is like fighting a war.想念你像是一场争战。

  48、You love me you will die.你喜欢我你会死啊?

  49、The broken shoes whether it for the injury or to yourself 穿了蹩脚的鞋 不管它再美 伤的还是自己

  50、Be strong , also hurt[再坚强 也会伤]

  51、Your cold like an introvert .[你冷淡得像一个内向者]

  52、Stars can not shine without darkness.如果没有黑暗,星星就无法闪耀。

  53、You were never mine to lose. 你从来就不属于我,谈不上什么失去 。

  54、There is no remedy for love but to love more.

  55、Smile like you have never been hurt.微笑吧,像从没受过伤一样。

  56、Keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.

  57、最后说我爱你 是我所能做的唯一 Finally say I love you, yes I can do only

  58、你们比钻石更耀眼i you are worth more than

  59、I want to be your bride . 【 我想成为你的新娘 】

  60、Put you in my heart.把你放在我心底

  61、Please forgive me, forgive the fish is like the ocean. 请原谅我,就像海洋原谅鱼。

  62、I am about to lose my mind,You have been gone for so long.我快要疯了你离开了太久。

  63、I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon!我爱你,天涯海角,不离不弃!

  64、Live like sunflower whom forever follow sun像向日葵一样向着太阳生活

  65、Even no reason and you leave me without saying.(甚至没有原因你离开我却什么都没说。)

  66、My heary got lost in your word我的心迷失在你的世界.

  67、All the deep love is secret . 所有的深爱都是秘密

  68、May the years of quiet you still. 愿岁月靜好你還在.

  69、My love was deep warm your heart 我的爱很深,温暖你的心

  70、My heart is blind but I do not care】 -我的心已经坏了,但我不在乎。

  71、Goodnight the whole world【晚安,全世界】

  72、I get by.我还过得去。

  73、Adversity is a good discipline.苦难是磨练人的好机会

  74、Not all people will be sincerely to you【不是所有人都会真心对你】

  75、Girls do not lose loving you.姑娘别输给爱。

  76、It's only funny until gets hurt !

  77、Could have been accompanied by my side.つ

  78、You must know, in my world, you are the king.你必须知道,在我的世界,你是我的王。

  79、You are the air, is my life.你是空气,是我的命。

  80、As a god ,you must see this 我是守着千疮百孔的心的胆小鬼

  81、Since you unintentionally I should let it go 你既然无心 我也该放手

  82、Time is willing to coagulate at this moment愿时光凝结在这一刻

  83、Ten thousand people roar a loud sigh as you are万人狂吼不及你一声轻叹

  84、What makes life dreary is the want of motive.

  85、no one can take your place in my heart 没有人能代替你在我心中的位置

  86、(时光孤岛我一人厮守到老) Time island I a person grow old

  87、With malice towards none,with charity for all!勿以怨恨对待任何人,应以慈爱加给所有的人!

  88、I would rather a person.我宁愿一个人

  89、we put in the darkness of the heart is called the moon dancing.我们把在黑暗中跳舞的心脏叫做月亮。

  90、First thrive and then wive. 先立业,后成家。

  91、You said you love me, will not stop 你说的爱我,会不会就此停止

  92、I also want to know what I think.我也想知道我想怎样。

  93、No one and you. 无人及你

  94、I love everything you love. 我喜欢你喜欢的一切。

  95、It is not enough to do good; one must do it the right way. 人不仅要做好事 更要以正确的方式做好事

  96、Give me a future of you and me给我一个未来 有你有我

  97、All time is no time when it is past.

  98、You sigh life empty, but never thought someone wanted to close to your heart

  99、What kind of sunlight can warm my heart . 什么样的阳光能温暖我的心

  100、The world of people, only you in my eyes【世上人潮万千,只有你入我眼】

  101、I need him like I need the air to breathe.(我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。)

  102、How can I hide away, the whim of fate.我要怎样才能躲掉,命运的心血来潮。

  103、we all know how to get it all want.我们都知道如何得到它想要的.

  104、How do you treat yourself as a human. 你怎么把自己当人了

  105、As long as I tried my best, I have no regrets.只要我尽力了,就没有遗憾。

  106、At the end of the story, can be a lifetime in your arms to hide the wind girl, really lucky ah.

  107、A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才会变老。

  108、Loser are always in the wrong 胜者为王,败者为寇

  109、One is easily fooled by that which one love.人容易被所愛的人愚弄。

  110、It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop(只要不停下脚步,走多慢都没事)

  111、Every thing is gonna be alright. ------ 一切都会好起来的。

  112、Falling out of love is hard 从爱情中抽身而出是很困难的事情

  113、I never back.我永远不会回来。

  114、Faded memories, painful reality.淡了回忆,痛了现实。

  115、Nobody could ever replace you 无人可以取代你

  116、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终

  117、C. Brief is life, but love is long.命虽短,爱却绵长。

  118、Faith will move mountains.精诚所至,金石为开。

  119、Happy Valentines day 情人节快乐!

  120、【 You name is Wang you are Emperor 】 你姓王 你是皇

  121、I hate you, but love you.我恨着你,但也爱着你。

  122、Crowded I always not see you.人潮拥挤我始终不见你。

  123、I love you,just because. 我爱你,没有任何理由

  124、I left because you never asked me to stay.我离开是因为你从未叫我留下。

  125、Wrinkles merely indicate where smiles have been.皱纹是曾经微笑的痕迹。

  126、Between two stools one falls to the ground.

  127、How many hardships and dangers in front,we have been behind you不论凡凡做了怎样的决定我定会站在他身边

  128、If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you. 纵然世间任我挑,我的选择仍是你。

  129、As long as you love me. 只要你爱我。

  130、Thank fate that I met with you. [感谢缘分让我和你相识过.]

  131、Pain is only aware of their own has not changed only you know.痛不痛只有自己知道,变没变只有你知道。

  132、I want a fragile sadness, not perfunctory strong 我要脆弱的忧伤 不要敷衍的坚强

  133、You will shine but hurt my heart.你会发光却刺痛了我的心。

  134、Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.与其伤心回忆,不如微笑遗忘。

  135、Want to say goodbye may is not far. I believe that you can hear you.想说再见愿为时不远。我坚信你能听见。

  136、The less you give a damn, the happier you will be.你越不在乎,你就越快乐。

  137、Your not forget for a moment, not me.

  138、.. we go to the marriage hall.【..我们去婚姻的殿堂吧.】

  139、I love the way you lie.我连你的谎言都爱.

  140、you are my best love. 你是我的挚爱。

  141、My moon and my light. 我的月亮我的光

  142、Some people still do not know the name, it has become a worry.有的人还不知名字,就已经成了心事。

  143、Down enough to let go.失望攒够了就放手吧。

  144、Night, beautiful just too lonely night

  145、闺蜜是我的一切 sister are my all will .

  146、Give me endless summer.给我无尽的夏天。

  147、Labour is often the father of pleasure.勤劳常为快乐之源。

  148、Place allow me to smal proud,because like you depend on.请容许我小小的骄傲,因为有你这样的依靠。

  149、I would not say love, but I said is true ]我不会说情话,但我说的都是真心话.

  150、Don′t cry because it is over, smille because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

  151、There arebillion people in this world, yet my heart chose you.世界上有七十亿人口,但我的心选择了你。

  152、[The Fightting Boys]我可以为你平凡或完美!

  153、North of the city to the north is not to miss.北城以北思念不归。

  154、The poor man must have hateful place (可怜人必有可恨之处 )

  155、I pray that have a transparent heart and tears in the eyes . 我祈祷拥有一颗透明的心灵和会流泪的眼睛

  156、It is never too late to start again.重头开始永远不会晚。

  157、I have been, never left.我一直在,从没离开。

  158、The story without tortuous how can teach people to grow.

  159、YOU belong with me ![你跟我在一起才合适!]

  160、The best way to make profound memory, trying to forget.

  161、Time can prove that I love you 时间能证明我有多爱你

  162、☆★Wu Shixun, you are the only 吴世勋,你是唯一

  163、If wind sees their strong will, let such ordeal cease. 逆风如解意,容易莫摧残。

  164、I forget that you're just a false impression.我忘了,你只是一个假象。

  165、I will always be, even if love pale. 我会一直在,纵使爱变苍白

  166、You are very important.你是非常重要的。

  167、My irrepressible fear to be afraid to go timid.我抑制不住的惶恐,害怕和胆怯。

  168、My biggest enemy is suspicious.我最大的敌人叫猜忌

  169、# The most distent way in the world .世界上最遥远的距离

  170、Let time to my deep love man.愿时光善待我深爱之人

  171、we are never ever getting back together.我们在也无法回到曾经。

  172、If just like why inflated into love 如若只是喜欢 何必夸大成爱

  173、I will loveyou with every beat of my heart.我会爱你,在我的心的每一分钟。

  174、The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.———— 如果你明确自己的方向,世界也会为你让路。

  175、Goodbye my tears fall down and failure. 再见我的眼泪跌倒和失败。

  176、Every noble work is at first impossible.每一个伟大的工程最初看起来都是不可能做到的!

  177、You belong with me。你应该和我在一起。

  178、Time is we do not come loose.时光不老我们不散好么。

  179、I wanna be with you.我想要和你在一起。

  180、Only miss the sun when it starts to snow.只有在开始下雪时才会想念阳光。

  181、We become the most familiar strangers. 我们变成了最熟悉的陌生人.

  182、Where to go when l ok{去哪都拉紧我好不好}

  183、The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.

  184、Yesterday is today is memory,tomorrow is today is dream. ---昨天只是今天的记忆,明天却是今天的梦想.

  185、If you leave never ever meet again你若离去后会无期。

  186、The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

  187、Some people are worth melting for.有些人值得我融化。

  188、Love has you only then to be perfect. 爱要有你才完美。

  189、I love you none of your business.我喜欢你,关你什么事。

  190、This summer you have me 这个夏天你有我

  191、Take control of your own desting.命运掌握在自己手上。

  192、Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime.遇见彼此,不枉此生。

  193、You love me you will die. 你喜欢我你会死啊?

  194、And forever has no end.永永远远,永无止境。

  195、He is the most blue sea of my youth 他是我年少时最蔚蓝的海

  196、Meet each other, don't waste this lifetime.遇见彼此,不枉此生。

  197、People dramatically cross very thin line between life and death.人的生死就在一线间。

  198、There is no rehearsal in the life , once missing , it will be lost forever. 世界上没有破镜重圆之说,

  199、Everything Has Changed.一切都变了。

  200、you are going to love and be loved but that is in time . (你会爱也会被爱只是时候未到)

  201、I never go far.[我从未走远]

  202、情话 只是偶然兑现的 falsehood -

  203、I have for you cry, from now on you do not deserve my smile.我曾为你哭过,从此你不配拥有我的微笑。

  204、In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.要想让自己无可替代,你必须总是与众不同。

  205、The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship. [最大的孤独莫过于没有真诚的友谊]

  206、I pretended to be indifferent to it 我假装无所谓才看不到心被拧碎

  207、Hold hand. and marriage.执子之手,与子偕老。

  208、Lonely are the free.孤独是免费的

  209、I can feel you forgetting me.我能感觉到你在忘记我。

  210、wen you live for love.当你为爱而活。

  211、Love does not require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgiving——爱情并不需要你处处完美,但需要你变得宽恕。

  212、Concern for others, is actually care about yourself.

  213、No matter how far we will be very good.无论多远,我们会很好的。

  214、Have you is enough 【有你足矣】

  215、If you begin to remember, while I began to forget.。

  216、The sun is great, because it will consume their own.

  217、Tears are the words which the heart can't say.眼泪是心无法诉说的话语。

  218、They have a loving person, password and my password only my own.他们密码里都有爱的人,我的密码只有我。

  219、Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.随遇而安。

  220、Love is over......爱已逝去......

  221、A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams.只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才算老。

  222、Two Be Number One 二逼第一

  223、Memory abstruse eyes.记忆中深邃的眼眸。

  224、Happy birthday to me.

  225、I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards. 我走得很慢,但是我从不倒退。

  226、Finally decided to give this story draw a full stop.

  227、Loveyourowinparentheses.(爱你划在括号里) Thinkyouholdinthecircle.(想你牵在圆圈里)

  228、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的事就值得把它做好。

  229、Love is making you go bananas.恋爱把你变得疯疯癫癫的。(.)

  230、everybody wants to rule the world 每个人都想统治世界

  231、Don't see my existence.不要看不到我的存在。

  232、Just to be the next to be with you〖只想成为下一个永远陪伴你的人〗

  233、Please do not be in love with someone else. 请你不要爱上别人。

  234、Love is low to the dust alone Watch

  235、There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

  236、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.

  237、A person walking down the street, suddenly remind of lonely I love you.一个人走在寂寞的街,忽然想起我爱你。

  238、Talk about a love lost a friend 谈一场恋爱 失去一个朋友

  239、you can you up,no can no bb 你行你上啊,不行别嚷嚷

  240、I will be here for you all the time. 我会在这儿,一直为你。

  241、Let the time tell the truth. 任由时间说真话

  242、I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it. 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道

  243、So gorgeous appearance, but only you false hide

  244、A riot of colours to wait.五彩缤纷的等待。

  245、Enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.

  246、I am aiming to be somebody this somebody trusts——我的目标是成为一个可以信赖的人

  247、Love is you love me, I love him, he loved her.

  248、You are not my lover How to know my deep.你非我良人 怎知我情深。

  249、Laughter is the shortest distance between people.笑是人与人之间最短的距离。

  250、I know you are very sad。我知道你很难过。

  251、You are the moon, with no reality whatever你是月光虚无缥缈

  252、You are the milk in my coffee你令我更美好

  253、I am the luckiest person in the world 我是世界上最幸运的人

  254、We will never in contact with each other.我们终究老死不相往来

  255、No one can replace you in my heart从来没有人能取代你在我心里的位置

  256、Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.

  257、I wish I knew how to quit you. 我希望我知道如何戒掉你。

  258、I just want to cherish now.我只想珍惜好现在。

  259、Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.没有痛苦,没有牺牲,我们将一无所有。

  260、The girl who loves laughing, do not let her cry.爱笑的女孩,别让她哭。

  261、Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.

  262、The best way to forget a person, is like other people. 忘记某个人最好的方法,就是喜欢上其他人

  263、Love is you love me, I love him, he loved her.

  264、I love you very much, but all wait for your back.(我很爱你,可是终究等不到你的回头。)

  265、Destroy the torture you.毁掉那些折磨你的东西。

  266、Sometimes there is no way out exlep有时候,除了说再见,别无选择。

  267、It is good if you begin crying, that is the sign of cure.能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征!

  268、I do not say you do not know if this is the distance.

  269、Have you be fearless.有你在 无所畏惧

  270、If you leave never ever meet again你若离去后会无期。

  271、How could my dream everyone understand 我的梦怎么可能每个人都懂。

  272、Hello,July! Please be good!你好,七,请对我好一点

  273、Wish one day, you will suddenly told me that you still love me.多希望有一天,你会突然告诉我你还喜欢我。

  274、下辈子,你们还是super junior,我们还是E.I.F。

  275、I will always love you,until the end of time 我将永远喜欢你,直到时间停止。

  276、i miss u but i miss u 我想你但是我错过了你

  277、I can’t live without you 我不想一个人

  278、Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street.爱他就像开着崭新的玛莎拉蒂冲向绝路。

  279、Pain teaches us what to avoid.疼痛教会我们该避开什么。

  280、get out my oheart 你這個不甘寂寞的男人

  281、You never leave my heart. 你从不曾离开我的心.

  282、Even if the road is not flat also should make oneself of the sun【就算路不坦荡 也要做自己的太阳】



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